TEST Unit 7aГДЗ ответы к тестам (ключи) Spotlight 7 test booklet по английскому языку

TEST Unit 7aГДЗ ответы к тестам (ключи) Spotlight 7 test booklet по английскому языку

TEST Unit 7a

*1. Choose the correct item. Выбери правильный вариант.

1. She is just _ intelligent as he is.
A. as
B. most
2. Martin is _ than John.
A. youngest
B. younger
3. My grandfather is the _ man on Earth!
A. wiser
B. wisest
4. Emily is more beautiful _ Jane.
A. then
B. than
5. Frank is not _ clever as Jim.
A. than
B. as
6. A snail is _ fast as a rabbit.
A. not as
B. more than
7. She completed the task more _ this time.
A. easily
B. easier
8. Tom Cruise is _ than Ben Stiller.
A. most famous
B. more famous
9. It has to be _ biggest dog I’ve ever seen.
A. than
B. the
10. He was _ than her.
A. smarter
B. smart


1. She is just as intelligent as he is.
2. Martin is younger than John.
3. My grandfather is the wisest man on Earth!
4. Emily is more beautiful than Jane.
5. Frank is not as clever as Jim.
6. A snail is not as fast as a rabbit.
7. She completed the task more easily this time.
8. Tom Cruise is more famous than Ben Stiller.
9. It has to be the biggest dog I’ve ever seen.
10. He was smarter than her.

1 – A, 2 – B, 3 – B, 4 – B, 5 – B, 6 – A, 7 – A, 8 – B, 9 – B, 10 – A.


1. Она такая же умная, как и он.
2. Мартин моложе Джона.
3. Мой дедушка самый мудрый человек на Земле!
4. Эмили красивее Джейн.
5. Фрэнк не так умен, как Джим.
6. Улитка не такая быстрая, как кролик.
7. На этот раз она выполнила задание легче.
8. Том Круз более известен, чем Бен Стиллер.
9. Это должна быть самая большая собака, которую я когда−либо видел.
10. Он был умнее ее.

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